Tribute to Liberal Express Tribune

A Liberal Tribute to Secular Express Tribune

Express tribune is one of those online forums where I very keenly read articles on a variety of subjects. I do not agree with their Editorial Policy but I respect their right to choose whatever they want to publish and what they do not.

Here is what happened recently and I am myself a witness to it. I hope it was a confusion or misunderstanding. Dear ET please correct me if I am wrong. I am not blaming or accusing you of anything. Just presenting facts with undeniable evidence.

ET today shared a picture on their facebook page of Express  Tribune blogs. The picture they shared is given below;

The link for their facebook post containing this picture is ET Blog Photo Link. They had a link to an article attached with the picture which would redirect to this article The Aam Admi Party: An Indian version of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf?

I myself opened the link and voted for their poll. Results on their page were exactly as they posted in picture and I shared the link. Later on when I tried to refer to that article again to read comments, I was astonished at the results of poll. For the ET's sake, lets assume I had a mirage and my 6/6 eye sight was temporarily "out of order". So what I saw can not be proved. I was having hallucinations as I do not have a way to prove what I saw unless I had taken a screenshot which I obviously did not. Below I am attaching screenshot of polls as well as photo shared by ET Blogs page.

I must have failed in Mathematics as I fail to understand how can these statistics be true and possible. I request ET to provide me a mathematical solution to this "Liberal and Secular Dilemma" of purely mathematical nature. I will be really thankful.

P.S: I never implied that ET is a Pseudo Liberal news paper which thinks that negotiation with terrorists is equal to being sympathizer with them. Or that ET deliberately harms and gives favors to some political parties.

P.P.S: I also did not imply that ET for reasons best known to them did not want PTI of Pakistan being equated or compared with AAP of India.

I honestly feel that ET must have made a mistake or it might be a "secular, mathematical and liberal" misunderstanding. So I am expecting a logical and factual answer to my humble query. Thank you very much in advance.

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